Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Been Three Weeks Now....

It's been three weeks now that I've been delving into this topic.  Delving has helped me discover in depth why both sides feel how they do about school uniforms.  When I first started researching this topic I was swaying towards the "against school uniforms" side of the fence.  After about the first week though, I changed to the "for school uniforms" side of the fence.  The reason I changed my mind about which side of the fence I'm on is that I agree with the pro uniformers' chief claims.  I was uneducated before researching the topic as to why people would be pro uniform.
There are many reasons to be on either side of the issue.  If you are pro uniforms you could cite reasons like they positively affect family stress, they help create a positive atmosphere in schools, they decrease discipline issues, and they help facilitate safety for students and staff of schools on and off campus.  If you are anti school uniforms you could cite the reasons that they create more family stress, the positive atmosphere that is said to come from uniforms is perceived not fact, they create more things for staff to keep track of including who has opted out and who hasn't, that students will find a way to be violent if they want to whether they are wearing uniforms or not, and that they infringe upon student's rights to have self expression and freedom of speech.
Having decided for sure where I stand, now it is time to educate others why I did so and support my reasoning as firmly and clearly as possible.

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