Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tools of the Opposition

In any argument there is more than one side.  For my topic there are those for school uniform policies and those against.  I am for.  My opposition has their own reasons for being against.
Those that are opposed to school uniforms claim that uniforms are against the constitutional rights of students.  They cite the first amendment and freedom of speech as backup to their claim.
Another claim by the opposition is that uniforms don't actually have any affect on school performance or environment.  They point to examples of testing done by David Brunsma that asserts there is little or no change in a positive manner that comes from students wearing school uniforms.  They also point to examples of schools that have excellent academic scores and don't implement school uniforms. They assert that any positive change from uniforms in schools is only perceived.  They cite psychologists who say that anything that looks good is also assumed to have other good qualities also.
I think they have some good points, but the points I agree with more are pro uniform claims.

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